we are giving
you can
As Christians we believe it is right to give generously to God's work because, in doing this, we are responding to God's generosity towards us. In John 3:16 The bible teaches us that 'God so loved the world that He gave His only son...' and also in Matthew 6:19 Jesus himself taught us to put God before money - 'Do not store up for yourselves treasures on earth, where moth and rust destroy and where thieves break through and steal, but store up for yourselves treasure in heaven' .
Please consider supporting our church so that we may continue with the work of God.
There are a number of ways to give:
The Stewardship Envelope Scheme is particularly helpful for those preferring to donate cash. Dated envelopes are available for each tax year. Tax can also be reclaimed on these donations. The envelopes can be given during any of the services or handed in at the office at other times.
If you would like to avail of the envelope scheme please contact us.
Online by Credit Card or Paypal
If you would like to give to St Matthias' online, you can do this safely and securely by credit card or through Paypal. Simply press the Donate button below to be taken to a payment screen.

One of the most effective ways for a regular member to give is via Standing Order, it is simple to set up and enables you to keep track of your giving for tax purposes and also enables the Finance Committee to budget for expenditure.
If you would like to set up a standing order to make a regular donation, please contact us
open plate
'Taking an offering' is a very important and integral aspect of our worship of God. Many use this method for regular giving or for 'thank offerings'.
Any cheques should be made payable to St Matthias' Church. Please note that cash given in a named envelope can be included in the tax reclaim process and a tax receipt can be given.
leaving a legacy gift
Most people make a will to ensure that when they die, their family and others they care most about are looked after. If God has blessed you through St Matthias' Parish, why not consider remembering the ongoing ministry in your will so that others will be blessed.
A gift can be an expression of your gratitude and thanksgiving towards God, and can help keep St Matthias' alive and help transform it's future.