we are exploring our faith
What is
Alpha is a series of sessions exploring the Christian faith, typically run over eleven weeks. Each talk looks at a different question around faith and is designed to create conversation. We run regular Alpha Courses at St Matthias and where possible with our local Roman Catholic parishes, there is a joy in learning about the Christian faith together.
If we are not currently running an Alpha Course at St Matthias' you can search for a local course on the Alpha Ireland website here.
Alpha In
Dates for next Alpha Course will be available here.
Email stmatthiaskilliney@gmail.com to book a place.

Millions of people have tried Alpha in 169 countries, and it has been translated into 112 different languages.
Developed as a short course, it was discovered that many people outside of the church wanted to explore the Christian faith. Alpha now runs in every part of the global church.
If you would like to find out more about Alpha visit